The subject "Strategic Management" aims to deepen students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the management of the enterprise in a competitive market, the study of ways to ensure its competitiveness.Just like arithmetic is a procedural element of mathematics, book keeping is the procedural element of accounting. Figure 1 shows how an accounting system operates in business and how the flow of information occurs.
Requirements for knowledge, skills and qualifications of masters of science. Master:
- should have an idea: the formation and history of strategic management, the development of strategic management and its scientific schools, management culture in strategic management, the content and essence of strategic policy, the subject and content of strategic management, the laws and principles of strategic management, methods of strategic management, determination of the foundations of the effectiveness of scientific methods of strategic management to identify the essence and types of the strategy concept, substantiate the essence and importance of strategic management;
- must know and be able to use: classify theories covering the subject and content of strategic management, be able to apply the laws and principles of strategic management, determine and apply the foundations for increasing the effectiveness of scientific methods of strategic management, determine the content and types of strategies;
- have skills (own skills): - establishing the strategic environment and the strategic situation at the enterprise, applying the methods of strategic management, determining the ways of rational development and use of solutions in strategic management, organizing strategic management at the enterprise as a whole.