"Information technology management" provides students to take a fundamentally different approach to this subject in three ways. First, it is targeted squarely at future managers, making it clear why IT does indeed matter to them and the organization. Second, it enables future business managers to understand how information technology can be applied to improve the organization. Third, it provides a framework for business managers to understand their important role vis-à-vis information technology.

Requirements for students' knowledge, skills and abilities are set out below. The student should have an idea about:

- - a clear rationale for why managers must get involved in information technology strategic planning and project implementation.;

The student should have knowledge and ability of using:

- - for future IT managers who must understand how IT is viewed from the business perspective and how to work effectively with all members of the organization to achieve IT results;

The student should have following skills:

- for future managers who are expected to understand the implications of IT, identify and evaluate potential opportunities to employ IT, and take an active role in ensuring the successful use of IT within the organization.