"Statistical Analysis for Business Decision-making" provides students with theoretical knowledge, practical skills, methodological approach to statistics phenomena and processes, and the formation of scientific outlook.

 Requirements for students' knowledge, skills and abilities are set out below. The student should have an idea about:

- - Statistical Analysis concept, content, goals and objectives, history of Statistics, international experience in quality control, Types of Statistics. Descriptive Statistics. Inferential Statistics. Types of Variables. Levels of Measurement., and degree of certification;

The student should have knowledge and ability of using:

- - main principles of Statistics. Dot Plots. Stem-and-Leaf Displays. Measures of Position. Quartiles, Deciles, and Percentiles. Box Plots. Skewness. Describing the Relationship between Two Variables. Contingency Tables;

The student should have following skills:

- Multiple Regression Analysis. Evaluating a Multiple Regression Equation. The ANOVA Table. Multiple Standard Error of Estimate. Coefficient of Multiple Determination. Adjusted Coefficient of Determination. Inferences in Multiple Linear Regression. Global Test: Testing the Multiple Regression Model. Evaluating Individual Regression Coefficients. Evaluating the Assumptions of Multiple Regression.